The Children of Uganda 

The Herbal Healing Mama

I recently became aware of an amazing organization called Vision / Paradise Uganda Foundation in Uganda, Africa, for the orphans.

I’m part of a beautiful sisterhood community on Facebook called Tribe-The Return to Sisterhood & the group creator, Shelli shared a photo on her wall of our tribe reaching the beautiful souls of Uganda.

Uganda Tribe Sending so much love to you, children. ❤

I then searched our group and realized Nabukenya Maria, CEO for Vision Uganda Foundation & National Projects/Volunteer Coordinator for Paradise Uganda Foundation, had been sharing information for quite some time there. Because the thread moves so fast with over 8,000 sisters, I had previously missed these posts.

I felt compelled to share their information here in hopes to expand the reach even further.


Vision Uganda Foundation is a volunteer-based community building organization dedicated to ending the cycle of poverty in Uganda by supporting the welfare of its poorest families and…

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Home Education For The Conscious Parent

Being conscious can be pretty challenging and scary at times. Once you become aware of the atrocities, fear can set in which will of course expand into wanting to protect our children from all the horrible things that are going on. I’ve been pretty conscious for quite some time now but I wasn’t always as conscious as I am now and my parenting certainly wasn’t conscious in the beginning. Fear wasn’t my basis for my decision but rather wanting to be in control of my son’s education and teach him in a way that would illuminate his soul and expand his mind. I hope that if you are conscious like me and have considered following the same path when it comes to educating your children; my articles will help you to find the resources you and your family need to take the steps necessary to home educate.

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